Portugal has fantastic places to discover, and some of them are ready to give you a good scare or a jittery night. In this article, we promise to tell you a bit about the dark and mythic side of the country. Do you dare to find more about these mysterious destinations?! Buckle up, then!
North of Portugal
1. Hotel Teatro, Porto
The 19th-century tragedy that took place there, in the old Baquet theatre, seems to remain, at least in spirit. More than one hundred people died in a fire, so now you can hear dressing rooms’ doors opening and closing on their own, and some other weird sounds. At least, that is what is said today….
By Francisco Pastor Muntó - Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal - "Diario Illustrado", n.º 5370, CC BY-SA 4.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=50802830
2. Palácio Marques Gomes, Gaia
The Marques Gomes Palace is famous because people that pass by hear voices that say: “Go away, get out of here!”. At the beginning of the century, several paranormal researchers have registered that phrase! But the authenticity of the event remains a mystery…
Picture Credits: https://portugalparanormal.com/index.php/topic,13918.0.html
3. Capela Senhor da Pedra, Gaia
This chapel also deserves a mention, since it is known by all the inhabitants that its backside is the stage for witchcraft and sorcery… It is believed that the chapel initially received pagan cults from pre-Christian people, and is the only church facing away from the sea, emanating a unique light at the beginning of the morning and at the end of the afternoon with the sunset. It’s worth the visit, especially because it’s located at the beach!
4. Sanatório de Mont’Alto, Valongo
One of the most striking sites in the country is an old and abandoned sanatorium built in 1910, in Serra de Valongo. This place hosted hundreds of tuberculosis patients, with stories of neglect and mistreatment. Therefore, it is not a surprise that people talk about ghosts and crazy sounds coming from inside… And we promise you, at night it really sends a chill down your spine! Beware…
Picture Credits: Sandra Larangeiro in https://www.tripin.pt/sanatorio-de-valongo/
Center of Portugal
5. Castelinho, São João do Estoril
In São João do Estoril, Castelinho has a chilling history. Years ago, a blind girl who lived there fell off the cliff and died. The girl's ghost, it is said, has kept potential buyers away from Castelinho…
6. Termas de Água Radio, Guarda
High levels of radio were the reason that led to the death of several people from poisoning at the Radium Water Spa, now haunted by these angry souls. At least, the legend says…
Foto de Maria Serra e Moura/Lugares Abandonados
7. Mosteiro de Santa Maria da Seiça, Figueira da Foz
The Monastery was built in 1175 and, when the black plague appeared, the convent did not escape death… In 2 months, around 150 religious people died. The legend says that even today the site is haunted ...
Photo Credits: https://mosteirodeseica.com/seica/mosteiro-de-santa-maria-de-seica-em-se...
8. Pátio do Carrasco, Lisboa
In the capital, Pátio do Carrasco is famous for the strange sounds of a man who died in 1873. His name was Luís Alves and he was the last Portuguese executioner, having lived there. Next time you visit, stop and listen! (let us know all about it later!)
Photo Credits: https://www.vortexmag.net/patio-do-carrasco-o-local-onde-morava-o-alfaci...
9. Edifício Panorâmico de Monsanto, Lisboa
The Panoramic Building of Monsanto, with a privileged view to Lisbon, was never completed. People talk about bad luck and guarantee that no project will be successful there!
Photo Credits: Joana Bourgard/RR
10. Palácio de Valenças, Sintra
In Sintra, one of the most mythical and mysterious places in Portugal, there are some very interesting legends. In this Palace, for example, it is said that the Count's maid killed herself out of love (or heartbreak) and that her tears are still heard around the house.
Photo Credits: https://www.timeout.pt/lisboa/pt/atraccoes/palacio-valencas
11. Sanatório das Penhas da Saúde, Serra da Estrela
Another sanatorium full of… you guessed it, ghosts! The building was abandoned in the 1980s and although they want to rehabilitate it, there are those who guarantee that it is haunted by the patients who died there of diseases.
Photo Credits: https://cidadedacovilha.blogs.sapo.pt/14158.html
South of Portugal
12. Teatro Lethes, Faro
In Faro, there is a theatre with a peculiar history. A ballerina committed suicide in the middle of the stage, hanging herself, and now her steps can be heard through walls and the sound of wood on the floor creaking. Chills, right??
Photo Credits: Rafaela de Almeida
13. Hotel Bela Vista, Portimão
The Hotel Bela Vista was built by the Magalhães Barros family in the early 1900s. The elder daughter died there and the cries of footsteps can be heard in the hallways of this 5-star hotel… Well, at least the view is great!
Photo Credits: https://www.publituris.pt/2020/06/18/bela-vista-hotel-spa-reabre-esta-se...
Portuguese Islands
14. Ponta da Má Merenda, Açores
One of the most beautiful love stories comes from Terceira Island (Azores). It is said that a rich girl and a poor boy were forbidden to be together by her father. Forced to marry an old man, the girl refused and was abandoned by her parents, with no food and money. The boy had left in search of a fortune for both, but when he returned the girl had died. In disgust, the boy joined the Convent, and it is said that on stormy nights one hears the cries of these two lovers at Praia da Vitória.
Photo Credits: https://www.allaboutportugal.pt/pt/praia-da-vitoria/jardins/miradouro-da...
Now start planning those maps, you’re in for an adventure!
by Cláudia Aragão